Juliet standing on the boulevard
Waiting for Romeo
And I’m looking out of my hotel window,
Wondering which way I gotta go.
Back to the madness of the business I’m in
Where I can hide the truth inside every song
Just how lonely it has been
Sweet Juliet… this time it’s either sink or swim.
Paris is a city for lovers,
I don’t see anobody holdin’ hands
Two-faced lovers, false emotions
Nobody really gives a damn.
Out on the street nobody’s takin’any bets
You canhear the ghost of the Little Sparrow singing
“No regrets… no regrets”
Ah Juliet… why are you so hard to forget.
Underneath the balcony
Picking up the rosary beads.
But I think there’s been a mistake.
Was it loves innocence
That was lost here my friend
Or did you just run out of faith.
Juliet… please don’t walk away.
God helps those that help themselves.
I think it’s better just to give away
That stranger asking “can you help me out mister”
That might be you one day
people change friends like tires on a car
And on the backs of the poor
They climb to the top
Then they tell you just hoe lucky they are
Oh Juliet… I’ve lost track of aal the scars.
This Gideon bible on the table
It’s my last chance of finding hope
Some clown was in this room before me
Ripped out the page I was looking for
But now I see that moment of truth at last
Spoons and needles, endless violence
It all went by so fast
Ah Juliet… how come love never lastst.
As I go down dying
You ain’t gona hear me crying
Into the darkness I slip.
Those that went before me,
They tried to show me
I should leave with a smile on my lips
Hey Juliet… I gave this business my best.
Now the lessons they came hard
But I’ve learned them well
Everything in this world’s got a price
If you are willing to sell
Don’t you talk to me about heaven
‘Till you’ve walked thru the gates of hell
You kep cryin’ that you can’t find love
Het, you can’t even find yourself
Friends are like diamonds
You better guard them well
If it causes you pain honey
Just walk away
One thing in this life
Stays the same
One thing in this life
Stays the same
The rules of the street
They don’t change
Hey Juliet… honey
That’s all I’m gonna say.